EyeWear Sleeves
"A must for health conscientious consumers, Optical, Medical, and Beauty professionals alike!
For Vision & Eye wear Retailers....
Personal Protective Equiptment is available for just about everything imaginable, why not eye wear?
Disposable Eyeglass Arm Protectors. Used by Hair Colorists & Spas for over 20 years to prevent chemical services from damaging client's eyeglass
Try on these fantastic little sleeves as your own personal protection and you'll wonder why you ever went without.
For Vision & Eye wear Retailers....
Personal Protective Equiptment is available for just about everything imaginable, why not eye wear?
Disposable Eyeglass Arm Protectors. Used by Hair Colorists & Spas for over 20 years to prevent chemical services from damaging client's eyeglass
Try on these fantastic little sleeves as your own personal protection and you'll wonder why you ever went without.